主讲人:祁玲玲 副教授
主持人:郑佳雯 博 士
时间:2017年10月27日星期五 11:45-13:45
The third wave of democratization drastically changed the world map of politics and raises a puzzle for institutionalists in comparative politics: how do political institutions play a role during the process of democratization? Previous institutional studies in Western advanced industrial democracies show that power-sharing oriented democracies, which Lijphart calls “consensus democracy” (1999), are “kinder and gentler.” This research extends the Lijphartian framework to third-wave democracies. Using a mixed strategy of nest analysis (Lieberman 2005), I first conducted large-N regression models to illustrate the relationship between the level of power-sharing and the democratic development in the third-wave democracies; then I used concrete cases to demonstrate the mechanisms of power-sharing institutions. My regression models show that power-sharing institutions generally facilitate democratic development in the third- wave democracies. The effects of power-sharing institutions are well illustrated in countries such as Kenya and Benin. However, my case studies on Mongolian and Thai democracies indicate that the power of political institutions in promoting democratic development is limited. Democratization is a multifaceted phenomenon and political institutions are not the sole force that drives democratic progress.
祁玲玲,女,密苏里大学(University of Missouri-Columbia)政治学博士,现为南京大学政府管理学院政治系、南京大学-霍普金斯大学中美文化研究中心副教授。主要从事比较政治学方向的研究,采用量化、混合分析方法考察民主化进程和民主国家运作状况,侧重制度主义以及公民文化方向。出版专著 《制度设计与民主发展》,多篇文章发表于国内外SSCI, CSSCI期刊,独立主持教育部、国际留学基金青年项目。2015年获国际政治学会(International Political Science Association)拉彭斯·麦瑟尔论文奖(The Meisel-Laponce Award)。
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