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温乃楠,pg电子直营-电子博彩导航 副教授。2012年毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,获传播学博士学位。2012年至2014年曾在澳门科技大学人文艺术学院任助理教授。

Dr. Wen Nainan is an associate professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University, China. She earned her Ph.D. in Communication at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2012. Before joining NJU, she was an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Macau University of Science and Technology from 2012 to 2014.


Environmental communication, health communication, new media, and media effects 

开设主要课程(Teaching Areas):



Undergraduate level: consumer behavior, public relations, and media literacy  

Post-graduate level: quantitative communication research methods  



期刊论文发表(Publications—Referred Journal Article): 

Wen, N., Chao, N., & Wang, C. (accepted). Predicting the intention of sustainable commuting among Chinese commuters: The role of media and morality. Environmental Communication.

Song, S., Yao, X., & Wen, N. (2021). What motivates Chinese consumers to avoid information about the COVID-19 pandemic?: The perspective of the stimulus-organism-response model. Information Processing and Management, 58(1), 102407.

Wen, N. (2020). Understanding the Chinese public’s risk perception and information-seeking behavior regarding genetically modified foods: The role of social media social capital. Journal of Risk Research, 23(10), 1370-1386.

Zhang, Y., Wen, N., & Chao, N. (2019). Effects of mobile information-seeking on the intention to obtain reproductive cancer screening among Chinese women: Testing an integrative model. Chinese Journal of Communication, 12(1), 102-121.

Wen, N., & Wei, R. (2018). Examining effects of informational use of social media platforms and social capital on civic engagement regarding genetically modified foods in China. International Journal of Communication, 12, 3729-3750.

Liu, Y., Hao, X., & Wen, N. (2018). Professional impact and job satisfaction among Chinese journalists. Journalism, 19(9-10), 1344-1362.

Wen, N. (2017). Celebrity influence and young people’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery in Singapore: The role of parasocial relationships and identification. International Journal of Communication, 11, 1234-1252.

Wen, N., Chia, S. C., & Hao, X. (2017). Does gender matter? Testing the influence of presumed media influence on young people’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery. Sex Roles, 76(7), 436-447.

常博、蒋斯麦、张天吉、邓丽瑶、温乃楠2016. 中国社交媒体研究基于CSSCISSCI期刊文章的内容分析. 中国网络传播研究,11217-232.

Wen, N., & Shen, F. (2016). Communicating to young Chinese about HPV vaccination: Examining the impact of message framing and temporal distance. Asian Journal of Communication, 26(4), 387-404.

Wen, N.,Chia, S. C., & Hao, X. (2015). What do social media say about makeovers? A content analysis of cosmetic surgery videos and viewers’ responses on YouTube. Health Communication, 30, 933-942.

Wen, N., & Cui, D. (2014). Effects of celebrity involvement on young people’s political and civic engagement. Chinese Journal of Communication, 7, 409-428.

Hao, X., Wen, N., & George, C. (2014). News consumption and political and civic engagement among young people. Journal of Youth Studies, 17, 1221-1238.

Wen, N., Hao, X., & Wei, R. (2014). The image of China: International news coverage of China-related opinion polls (国际新闻中的中国形象:与中国有关的民意调查的新闻报道) [in Chinese] Communication and Society (传播与社会), 30, 71-95.

Hao, X., Wen, N., & George, C. (2014). The impact of online news consumption on young people’s political participation. International Journal of E-Politics, 5(2), 16-31.

Wen, N. (2014). Direct and indirect effects of mediated celebrity on young people’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery (dissertation abstract). Body Image, 11(1), 99.

Wen, N., Hao, X., & George, C. (2013). Gender and political participation: News consumption, political efficacy and interpersonal communication. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 19(4), 124-149.

Chia, S. C., & Wen, N. (2010). College men’s third-person perceptions about idealized body image and consequent behavior. Sex Roles, 63, 542-555.

曾获奖励( Awards and Honors ):    

1.      “中国新闻传播学国际发表专题论坛”优秀论文奖,2018年,西安交通大学

2.   2019气候与健康传播学术研讨会”优秀论文二等奖,2019年,中南民族大学

3.      本科课程“公共关系学”,pg电子直营-电子博彩导航 2020届本科毕业生“我最喜爱的十大课程”,2020年,南京大学



其他服务( Other Service ):   

曾任《亚洲传播学报》(Asian Journal of Communication)编辑助理(2009-2012


曾为多家国际期刊评审论文,如Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Sex Roles, Asian Journal of Communication, International Journal of Communication, Chinese Journal of Communication, and Body Image

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