期刊论文发表(Publications—Referred Journal Article):
Wen, N., Chao, N., & Wang, C. (accepted). Predicting the intention of sustainable commuting among Chinese commuters: The role of media and morality. Environmental Communication.
Song, S., Yao, X., & Wen, N. (2021). What motivates Chinese consumers to avoid information about the COVID-19 pandemic?: The perspective of the stimulus-organism-response model. Information Processing and Management, 58(1), 102407.
Wen, N. (2020). Understanding the Chinese public’s risk perception and information-seeking behavior regarding genetically modified foods: The role of social media social capital. Journal of Risk Research, 23(10), 1370-1386.
Zhang, Y., Wen, N., & Chao, N. (2019). Effects of mobile information-seeking on the intention to obtain reproductive cancer screening among Chinese women: Testing an integrative model. Chinese Journal of Communication, 12(1), 102-121.
Wen, N., & Wei, R. (2018). Examining effects of informational use of social media platforms and social capital on civic engagement regarding genetically modified foods in China. International Journal of Communication, 12, 3729-3750.
Liu, Y., Hao, X., & Wen, N. (2018). Professional impact and job satisfaction among Chinese journalists. Journalism, 19(9-10), 1344-1362.
Wen, N. (2017). Celebrity influence and young people’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery in Singapore: The role of parasocial relationships and identification. International Journal of Communication, 11, 1234-1252.
Wen, N., Chia, S. C., & Hao, X. (2017). Does gender matter? Testing the influence of presumed media influence on young people’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery. Sex Roles, 76(7), 436-447.
常博、蒋斯麦、张天吉、邓丽瑶、温乃楠(2016). 中国社交媒体研究—基于CSSCI与SSCI期刊文章的内容分析. 中国网络传播研究,11,217-232.
Wen, N., & Shen, F. (2016). Communicating to young Chinese about HPV vaccination: Examining the impact of message framing and temporal distance. Asian Journal of Communication, 26(4), 387-404.
Wen, N.,Chia, S. C., & Hao, X. (2015). What do social media say about makeovers? A content analysis of cosmetic surgery videos and viewers’ responses on YouTube. Health Communication, 30, 933-942.
Wen, N., & Cui, D. (2014). Effects of celebrity involvement on young people’s political and civic engagement. Chinese Journal of Communication, 7, 409-428.
Hao, X., Wen, N., & George, C. (2014). News consumption and political and civic engagement among young people. Journal of Youth Studies, 17, 1221-1238.
Wen, N., Hao, X., & Wei, R. (2014). The image of China: International news coverage of China-related opinion polls (国际新闻中的「中国形象」:与中国有关的民意调查的新闻报道) [in Chinese] Communication and Society (传播与社会), 30, 71-95.
Hao, X., Wen, N., & George, C. (2014). The impact of online news consumption on young people’s political participation. International Journal of E-Politics, 5(2), 16-31.
Wen, N. (2014). Direct and indirect effects of mediated celebrity on young people’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery (dissertation abstract). Body Image, 11(1), 99.
Wen, N., Hao, X., & George, C. (2013). Gender and political participation: News consumption, political efficacy and interpersonal communication. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 19(4), 124-149.
Chia, S. C., & Wen, N. (2010). College men’s third-person perceptions about idealized body image and consequent behavior. Sex Roles, 63, 542-555.
曾获奖励( Awards and Honors ):
1. “中国新闻传播学国际发表专题论坛”优秀论文奖,2018年,西安交通大学
2. “2019气候与健康传播学术研讨会”优秀论文二等奖,2019年,中南民族大学
3. 本科课程“公共关系学”,pg电子直营-电子博彩导航
其他服务( Other Service ):
曾任《亚洲传播学报》(Asian Journal of Communication)编辑助理(2009-2012)
曾为多家国际期刊评审论文,如Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Sex Roles, Asian Journal of Communication, International Journal of Communication, Chinese Journal of Communication, and Body Image