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谢卓潇,中国传媒大学传播学本科和硕士,香港中文大学传播学博士,中国人民大学新闻学院博士后,现任pg电子直营-电子博彩导航 助理教授。目前关注“媒介技术与社会文化变迁”和“媒介生产与受众文化批判”两类研究主题,在此基础开展了新媒介技术场景下的移动传播、技术-身体和空间实践、技术与无障碍传播、影视受众文化观念、媒介记忆、粉丝文化口述史、社交媒体中的民族主义多模态话语分析等项目。




媒介技术与社会文化变迁 [媒介地理、技术赋权、移动与传播]

媒介生产与受众文化批判 [受众社群、文化生产、话语和传播]


Xie, Z. (2024). Chinese Daigou: An Ethnography of Brokerage Practices and Mobility Politics in Globalized China. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.


Part of the book series: Pluralism, Culture and Communication in Contemporary China (PCCCC)


同行评议期刊论文和书籍章节(E-共同一作  *-通讯作者)

  1. 谢卓潇、蔡聪(已录用). 转演与互象:盲人非视觉摄影的媒介现象学分析. 文艺理论与批评

  2. 谢卓潇、蔡聪*(2024)人作为计算机的“他者”——验证码人机互动中的能力主义陷阱.国际新闻界, 8, 626.

  3. Xie, Z., Yin, Y.E*, & Ni, M. (2024). Materializing storyworld, battles of transmedia storytelling: Transfandom cultures of the King’s Avatar on Chinese social media platform. International Journal of Cultural Studies. //

  4. Liu, H., Ta, N.*, Xie, Z*., & Li, Z. (2024). Pseudo-Opinion Polarization on Chinese Social Media: Debates Surrounding Fang Fang’s Wuhan Diary and Chinese Online Political Culture. China: An International Journal, Volume 22 Number 4 (November 2024): 47–72.

  5. 谢卓潇(2024). 做性别成为技术操作:跨境代购中的平台技术与性别劳动研究.新闻与传播研究,3, 3246.

  6. Huang, G. & Xie, Z*. (2024). Platform-Based Diffusion-Proofing: Digitally Mediated Discursive Practice and China’s Prevention of Protest Spillover during Hong Kong’s Anti- Extradition Bill Movement, Discourse & Communication.//

  7. 张世超、尹一伊*、谢卓潇(2024). 反粉丝、非粉丝与复杂情感:三波粉丝研究浪潮后的受众研究复兴——乔纳森·格雷教授学术访谈.国际新闻界, 2, 161176.

  8. Yin, Y.& Xie, ZE*. (2024). Playing Platformized Language Games: Social Media Logic and The Mutation of Participatory Cultures in Chinese Online Fandom. New Media & Society,26(2), 619641. //

  9. 谢卓潇(2023). 网络化城市中视障者的/可见性政治”——从残障视角反思媒介技术界面.国际新闻界, 5, 96120.

  10. Xie, Z. (2022). The Invention of Chinese ‘Media Tradition’: Mediatization of Festival Tradition and Family Cultural Reproduction in Contemporary China. Global Media & China, 7183202. //

  11. 刘海龙、谢卓潇*、束开荣(2021. 网络化身体:病毒与补丁. 新闻大学, 5, 4055.

  12. Huang, G. & Xie, Z*. (2021). Fan Activism as Discursive Action: Poaching Foreign Television Series for Political Satire in China. Discourse, Context & Media, 42, //

  13. 谢卓潇(2021. 身体作为移动媒介——跨境代购中的具身传播实践和身体问题. 国际新闻界, 3, 4057.

  14. Xie, Z. (2021). Mobile Communicating Place and Place-Inscribed Communicative Mobilities: Shaping Alternative Consumer Cultures in Mobile Media Communication. Mobile Media & Communication, 9(1), 5177. // 

  15. 谢卓潇 (2020). 春晚作为记忆实践——媒介记忆的书写、承携和消费. 国际新闻界1, 154176.

  16. Xie, Z. & Witteborn, S. (2019). The Migrant-Mobility Nexus: The Politics of Interface, Labor, and Gender. Smets, K., Leurs, K., Georgiou, M., Witteborn, S., & Gajjala, R. (Ed.). The SAGE Handbook of Migration and Media. Thousand Oaks, CA:SAGE Publications Inc. 453463.

  17. 张磊、谢卓潇 (2018).社会关系的空间化:旅行真人秀节目中的移动性.中国电视7,7175.

  18. Xie, Z. (2018). Im/materializing Cross-Border Mobility: A Study of Mainland China-Hong Kong Daigou (Cross-border Shopping Services on Global Consumer Goods). International Journal of Communication, 12, 4052-4065. Available at: //

  19. Yin, Y. & Xie, Z. (2018). The Bounded Embodiment of Fandom in China: Connecting Shifting Media Experiences and Fan Participation through Oral History of ACG Lovers. International Journal of Communication, 12, 33173334.Available at: //

  20. 张磊、谢卓潇、屈国超、王韶霞 (2017). 集体记忆、民族认同与差序传播:对一个水族家族的探索性研究.全球传媒学刊,4(1),7085.


  1. Xie, Z., Cai, C.& Liao, J. (2024). Technological trends and the development of disability rights in Chinese society: An analysis of blind patents (1999-2023). International Communication Association (ICA) 74th Annual Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.

  2. Xie, Z., Yin, Y. & Ni, M. (2024). Materializing storyworld, battles of transmedia storytelling: A study of transfandom of the King’s Avatar on Chinese social media platform. International Communication Association (ICA) 74th Annual Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.

  3. Xie, Z. &Yin, Y. (2024). Down The Rabbit Hole? Fandomized place-making and multi-platform symbiosis of Chinese fan communities (2009-2023). International Communication Association (ICA) 74th Annual Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.

  4. Xie, Z. & Lu, M. (2023). The making of “bodily infrastructure”: The body-technology nexus and cross-border traveling between China and Africa during Covid-19. International Communication Association (ICA) 73rd Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

  5. Lu, M. & Xie, Z. (2022). Unstable Body, Fragile Mobility: Digital Media, Covid-19 and Biometric Borders between China and Africa. The Annual Conference of International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2022, Beijing, China.

  6. Huang, V. G., & Xie, Z. (2022). Hybridized Techno-Governmentality: Platformizing Diffusion-Proofing Repertoire and China’s Prevention of Protest Spillover During Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Movement, International Communication Association (ICA) 72nd Annual Conference, Virtual conference.

  7. Li, Z., Ta, N., Xie, Z., & Liu, H. (2022). Opinion Polarization or Spiral of Silence? Examining Opinion Expressions in a Quasi-Public Deliberation Space on Chinese Social Media, International Communication Association (ICA) 72nd Annual Conference, Virtual conference.

  8. Yin, Y.& Xie, Z. (2021). Playing Platformized “Language Games”: Social Media Logic and The Mutation of Participatory Cultures in Chinese Online Fandom. International Communication Association (ICA) 71st Annual Conference, Virtual conference.

  9. Huang, G. & Xie, Z. (2021). Foreign Television Series as Resources for Political Satire: Discussing House of Cards in China’s Virtual Space. International Communication Association (ICA) 71st Annual Conference, Virtual conference.

  10. Xie, Z. (2020). Mobile Communicating Place and Place-Inscribed Communicative Mobilities: An Ethnography of Cross-Border Shopping Practice. International Communication Association (ICA) 70th Annual Conference, Virtual conference.

  11. Xie, Z. & Zhang L. (2019). The Invention of Media Tradition: When Ritualized Media Practices Meet Festival Traditions in Families’ Memories. International Communication Association (ICA) 69th Annual Conference, Washington D.C., USA.

  12. Witteborn, S. & Xie, Z. (2019). The Mobility-Migration Nexus: The Case of Personal Shoppers from China (Daigou). International Communication Association (ICA) 69th Annual Conference, Washington D.C., USA.

  13. Yin, Y. & Xie, Z. (2019). Speech Code as Fan-norm: An Ethnography of Communication of Chinese Idol-fan Community on Social Media. The Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA.

  14. Xie, Z., Leng, Z., & Zhang L. (2018). The Precarious Politics: A Cultural Discourse Analysis on the Reception of the House of Cards and the Name of People in China, International Communication Association (ICA) 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

  15. Yin, Y. & Xie, Z. (2018). The Bounded Embodiment of Fandom in China: Connecting Shifting Media Experiences and Fan Participation through Oral History of ACG Lovers, International Communication Association (ICA) 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

  16. Xie, Z. & Zhou, Y. (2017). Communicating Politics in House of Cards: The Ideas of Personhood in Chinese Context. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, Korea, Seoul.

  17. Xie, Z. (2017). Im/materializing Cross-Border Mobility: A Study of Mainland China-Hong Kong Daigou (Personal Shopping Services), International Communication Association (ICA) 67th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA.

  18. Yao, Q. Xie, Z. (2017). Testing the Cognitive Mediation Model on Social Media: Interaction between Social Media Use Motivations and Cognitive Determinants. International Communication Association (ICA) 67th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA.

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