助理研究员。2018年于哈尔滨工业大学获得文学学学士学位,本科期间赴美国哥伦比亚大学访问学习;2019年于University College London(伦敦大学学院)获得理学硕士学位(MSc International Relations of the Americas);2024年于南京大学社会学院取得法学博士学位。以独立作者、第一作者、通讯作者身份在China Quarterly、Journal of Contemporary China、Chinese Journal of Sociology等SSCI&SCI权威期刊发表论文多篇。
[1] Chen, Buwei, Wen Ma, Yu Pan, Wei Guo, and Yunsong Chen. “PM2.5 Exposure and Anxiety in China: Evidence from the Prefectures.” BMC Public Health vol. 21, no. 1 (2021), 1-8.(共同第一作者)
[2] Chen, Zhuo, Wen Ma, Wei Guo, and Yunsong Chen. “A Chinese Tale of Three Regions: A Century of China in Thousands of Films.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, vol. 9 (2022): 1-12.(共同第一作者)
[3] Ma, Wen, Wen Sun, Zhuo Chen, and Yunsong Chen. “International Cinema’s Shifting Image of China: From the Barbarian to the Schemer, and to the Civilized Great Power.” Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 32, no. 140 (2023), 319-337.(第一作者)
[4] Chen, Zhuo, Wen Ma, Ying Li et al. “Using Machine Learning to Estimate the Incidence Rate of Intimate Partner Violence.” Scientific Reports, 13 (2023): 1-9.(第二作者)
[5] Ma, Wen. “Exporting the American Dream? Ideology and US China Policy Since 9/11.” China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, vol. 08, no. 03n04 (2022), 263-286.(独立作者)
[6] 马文、陈云松.文化主体性与生成式人工智能的价值导向干预.江苏社会科学,2024(1):1-9.(第一作者)
[7] Ma, Wen, Zhuo Chen, Ying Li et al. “The Shackles of Gender Still Exist: Chinese Women Authors’ Consciousness in Boys’ Love Fiction.” Chinese Journal of Sociology, February 11 (2024).(第一作者)
[8] Fu, Zhihui, Shukai Liu, Guodong Ju, Wen Ma*, Yunsong Chen. “Instrumental Guanxi Culture and Inbound Urban Migration in China: A Prefecture-level Analysis Using Online Search Data.” China Quarterly, March 22 (2024), 1-19.(通讯作者)