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  周奕欣,pg电子直营-电子博彩导航 助理研究员。2014年于南京师范大学心理学院获得应用心理学专业理学学士学位,同年前往中国科学院心理研究所进修,于2017年获得应用心理学专业理学硕士学位。之后在香港城市大学媒体与传播系互联网挖掘实验室学习,期间前往加州大学戴维斯分校传播系访问交流。在2020年取得博士学位,并荣获港府博后奖学金(Hong Kong Postdoc Fellowship)资助,于香港城市大学传播研究中心进行博后研究。2021年,加入pg电子直营-电子博彩导航 从事研究工作。







2. 国家自然科学基金《大六人格因素对创业活动的预测:个体与城市层面研究》。参与。

3. 国家科技部科技基础性工作专项重点项目《国民重要心理特征调查》。参与。

4. 国家自然科学基金《汉语句子理解中句法启动机制的眼动和ERPs研究》。参与。



1.     Zhou, M., Mu, W., Li, F., Zhou, Y., Huang, D., Wang, K., Zhang, J. (In press). Entrepreneur-Region fit and entrepreneurial success in China: the effect of “Confucian” personality. Frontiers in Psychology.(IF: 2.129, Q2)

2.     Zhou, Y., Zheng, Z., Wang, K., Chen, S., Zhou, M. (2021). How Social Media Shapes One’s Public Mood: The Three-Way Interaction Effect of Sphere, Information Valence, and Justice Sensitivity. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology. 15. (IF: 0.800, Q3)

3.     Zhou, Y., Zheng, Z., Wang, K., Chen, S., Zhou, M., Zhang, J. (2021). Personality and emerging adults’ friend selection on social networking sites: A social network analysis perspective. Psych Journal. 10, 1, p. 62-75. (IF: 0.717, Q3)

4.     Peng, T. Q., Zhou, Y. X., Zhu, J. J. H. (2020). From filled to empty time intervals: Quantifying online behaviors with digital traces. Communication Methods and Measures. 14, 4, p. 219–238. (IF: 3.56, Q1)

5.     Chen, C., Wang, K., Chen, S., Zhou, Y., Zhou, M. (2020). The linear and curve-linear relation between personality and Subjective Well-being in visual artists: perceived creation stress as a mediator. Psych Journal. 9, 4, p. 533-543. (IF: 0.717, Q3)

6.     Zhu, J. J., Zhou, Y., Guan, L., Hou, L., Shen, A., & Lu, H. (2019). Applying user analytics to uses and effects of social media in China. Asian Journal of Communication, 29(3), 291-306. (IF: 1.097, Q3)

7.     Zhou, M., Zhou, Y., Zhang, J., Obschonka, M., & Silbereisen, R. K. (2019). Person–city personality fit and entrepreneurial success: An explorative study in China. International Journal of Psychology, 54(2), 155-163. (IF: 1.608, Q2)

8.     Obschonka, M., Zhou, M., Zhou, Y., Zhang, J., & Silbereisen, R. K. (2018). “Confucian” traits, entrepreneurial personality, and entrepreneurship in China: A regional analysis. Small Business Economics. 1-19. (IF: 3.555, Q1)

9.     Zhou, Y., Wang, K., Chen, S., Zhang, J., Zhou, M. (2017). The Actor, Partner, Similarity Effects of Personality, and Interactions with Gender and Relationship Duration among Chinese Emerging Adults. Frontiers in Psychology. 8:1698. (IF: 2.129, Q2)

10.  Zhou, Y., Wang, K., Chen, S., Zhang, J., Zhou, M. (2017). An Exploratory Investigation of the Role of Openness in Relationship Quality among Emerging Adult Chinese Couples. Frontiers in Psychology. 8:382. (IF: 2.129, Q2)




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